Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Recent Assignment Holocaust

We are supposed to pick n post a holocaust link. I chose the following:
This page has the survivor stories of Isak Borenstein, Solomon Radasky, Eva Galler, Jennine Burk, and Joseph Sher.
I know this is an important part of history and can't be ignored, but My Lord God its so depressing and upsetting. 6,ooo,ooo dead Stories of the mass murder of small children,shot, gassed, burned, women beaten and defiled and raped. I still can't comprehend the lust for power over another to commit succh serious offenses against God and man. OK no surprise that there was a Hitler or even a small group of people capable of such acts, but seriously? Where the fuck did the find the millions or at least hundreds of thousands of people capable of carrying out the orders to exterminate and torture? If Obama became the next Hitler and started genecide, the only group I know of who would partake in these acts would be the people who are currently cops. They already love power over others, feed off the humilliation, and control of others. Any cop who thrashes on people, and has a sense of superiority over anyone else, and get off on tackling and beating and pepper spraying people, these are the only people, who could massacre babies etc. Your god old fashioned back woods white supremist may have it in em to shoot someone out of hate. But it takes a real special breed to get off on torture and killing babies, and raping women. American cops! The only reason they aren't openly worse is fear of consequences, having their booties become pincushions every day in prison etc. The only thing cops fear is prison, but if they had the president, like a hitler type encouraging them, and they knew they could get away with it the types of Americans who become cops are the type who would be the SS. BASTARDS. All those baby killers and rapists are being butt raped in hell by an even sicker bastard than they were, by huge burning cactus the size of a telephone pole. I'm sick of hearing about rapes and baby killings now. Can we like watch the "Wizard of Oz" or Teletubbies or something now, if we have to do this can we follow it up next class with a Disney Movie, or something? And Lord please not "Old Yeller". I'm totally joking, but seriously, this crap is depressing. I'm already a seriously messed up individual and hate every one,lol I'm not cut out for such depressing material. Is there a class that shows "The Breakfast Club" or something instead of "Schindlers List". lol

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Holocaust assignment October 8th

We were supposed to pick two, but I looked at all of em. The Holocaust History Project being attacked constantly by jew haters and holocaust deniers was a trip. I didn't even know there were that many Jew hater extremists left any more. I was very impressed by the Then and Now one, where they took the origional art from camp survivors and went to Auschwitz and took actual photographs of the exact spot the artist portrayed. That had to take that guy a really long time to figure all those out this many years later, pretty impressive. I have seen soooooooooo much Holocaust stuff in the last 29 years, and to this day it upsets me to look at images of thousands of dead rotting in giant pits. What the f%$#@ is wrong with the world that this was allowed to happen for a week! Let alone a year, and thougfh there is no definitive number, it is commonly agreed upon that millions were put to death. How did this happen?

Monday, October 6, 2008


Obviously I meant for us NOT TO STAND IDLY BY. I apoligize for the misprint. I am emphatically against the torture, harm, or death of any living soul on Earth on the basis of color religion or race. As I said below, I believe a racist is someone who wills or inflicts the harm or death of another souly on the basis of race! The term "racist" is thrown around way to liberally these days. The facts are their for anyone to research, mass immigration is a burden on America. Saying these very true and very proven fact does not make a person a Racist. I am not racist, have no fundamental differances with the Jewish community, quite the contrary! In this day and age of near world war, the Jewish people are not only our closest allies in the middle east, but America is a Christian majority country. Founded with Christian ideals as "One Nation, under God". For this reason of fundamental beliefs the Jewish people are the closest to our religious beliefs. Whether or not anyone wants to admit it we are at war over Religion. We are hated for being Christians and allies of the Jew by our enemies abroad. We have been working toward all out world War over Religion! I do not believe any Christian nor American should or can afford to segregate ourselves from the Jewish community. Abroad, the Jewish people are the closest to Americans out of any other group on earth. Our only differances are purely semantics, tiny details differ from fundamental beliefs in America and Israeli civillians daily lives. I think any American in this age would be a fool to segregate themselves from the Jewish community on reasons of race. I am not anti semetic, nor racist for saying I understand America's lack of desire for a mass influx of any one group of people. Any phd'd expert on sociology will tell you this, it is fact its bad for our economy and infrastructure. I am not a racist for pointing this out either it is fact, and to say otherwise is false. I have no tolerance for death of any people on basis of race, so I do not want to hear I am in support of genecide because I said they should not refuge here by the millions. I strongly believe America should have done everything in its power to invade immediately upon learning of first few thousand people. Standing by, while a handfull are tortured is inexcusable by any group or government. I have clarified My beliefs! I will be extremely upset if anyone calls me racist for saying I understood Americans not wanting refugees migrating here by millions upon millions, SO SAVE IT. And I am very very sorry about the misprint obviosly I did not mean that and I can't get back in and edit that post.

Holocaust Video Assignment

Of course you feel sadness and sympathy while watching this video; if not you are probably a sociopath. Of course I feel sympathetic, and this video is made to make you feel this way. However, I do understand the old school Americans from 1937-1941, completely understand the overwhelming burden on the American infrastructure by having a massive influx of one group of people. Saying this these days can get you labeled as a Racist. The facts are there; the massive population of mexicans who flood this country illegally are a massive drain on the American economy. Medi cal, our correctional facilitys, all departments of corrections and law enforcement, and especially the education and medical systems here in America. This is fact, and anyone who disagree's with this is, I am sorry for saying, unbelievably ignorant. In my opinion the ancestors, relatives, decendants of the people who fought and built this country should have the right to these programs above foreign born people illegally residing in this country. Tragically, these days pointing out this inarguable fact can get you labeled as a Racist. To me a racist is someone who wishes the harm or death of another due solely on basis of race. I do not wish harm or death on any person on the planet on the basis of race or color. However, MY ancestors came on the third ship to this continent and settled Nova Scotia then moved to Oklahoma. My relatives built this country and never would have accepted the current status of this country. I do not qualify for medical, or any other social services. My family has paid into these systems from their founding. Should any foreign born person be allowed to have such programs simply because they entered the country illegally? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Immigrants have made this country extremely difficult on the decendants of those who fought and died to build this country.Period. For this reason I do understand the 1937-1940 way of thinking of a massive immigration of millions into America. Anyone who says the old "immigrants are not taking jobs Americans want, is also extremely ignorant. The only reason Americans will not take these jobs is simply because of ---- The readily available immigrant work force willing to do said jobs for a fraction of what these jobs should pay. Example: the wine industry- retards say " we depend on immigrant labor"; this is retarded. If immigration made a mass sweep and took every illegal citizen out of the country overnight, then yes temporarily the wine industry would suffer temporarily. However, since illegals would no longer be there to pick grapes for dollars a day, then the winemakers would be forced to pay 10-15 dollars an hour, therefore simply charging more for the bottle of wine. Is keeping a bottle of wine under ten bucks at trader joes really an acceptable reason to destroy American social services? Obviously not, those who use wine, would not stop consumption, they would pay 20-30 dollars if they had to, then there are Americans citizens working for American wages. America is negatively affected by mass immigration. This is fact. Immigrants are typically a drain on American resources, thus taking the availability of said services for the citizens who should have them available. For these reasons I understand America not willing to accept millions of refugees flooding into the country. However, I find it inexusable to inflict death on people based on these topics. I strongly believe it was America's responsibility, as a human christian nation, to stand idly by and allow the genecide and mass extermination of any group of oppressed people any where. As long as we could fight to save them, without taking our own economy and population down, it is our reponsibility to defend the meek from the tyranical and oppressive. This does not mean however, that America should be responsible to house and give residence to said oppressed people. It is our human obligation to defend the lives of others. But, not to destroy the American citizens way of life to shelter groups of millions of refugees. Crime increases, a huge drain on social services ensues. This is fact and is not arguable. The only thing in question was why were we not immobilizing to invade and protect sooner?