Monday, October 6, 2008

Holocaust Video Assignment

Of course you feel sadness and sympathy while watching this video; if not you are probably a sociopath. Of course I feel sympathetic, and this video is made to make you feel this way. However, I do understand the old school Americans from 1937-1941, completely understand the overwhelming burden on the American infrastructure by having a massive influx of one group of people. Saying this these days can get you labeled as a Racist. The facts are there; the massive population of mexicans who flood this country illegally are a massive drain on the American economy. Medi cal, our correctional facilitys, all departments of corrections and law enforcement, and especially the education and medical systems here in America. This is fact, and anyone who disagree's with this is, I am sorry for saying, unbelievably ignorant. In my opinion the ancestors, relatives, decendants of the people who fought and built this country should have the right to these programs above foreign born people illegally residing in this country. Tragically, these days pointing out this inarguable fact can get you labeled as a Racist. To me a racist is someone who wishes the harm or death of another due solely on basis of race. I do not wish harm or death on any person on the planet on the basis of race or color. However, MY ancestors came on the third ship to this continent and settled Nova Scotia then moved to Oklahoma. My relatives built this country and never would have accepted the current status of this country. I do not qualify for medical, or any other social services. My family has paid into these systems from their founding. Should any foreign born person be allowed to have such programs simply because they entered the country illegally? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Immigrants have made this country extremely difficult on the decendants of those who fought and died to build this country.Period. For this reason I do understand the 1937-1940 way of thinking of a massive immigration of millions into America. Anyone who says the old "immigrants are not taking jobs Americans want, is also extremely ignorant. The only reason Americans will not take these jobs is simply because of ---- The readily available immigrant work force willing to do said jobs for a fraction of what these jobs should pay. Example: the wine industry- retards say " we depend on immigrant labor"; this is retarded. If immigration made a mass sweep and took every illegal citizen out of the country overnight, then yes temporarily the wine industry would suffer temporarily. However, since illegals would no longer be there to pick grapes for dollars a day, then the winemakers would be forced to pay 10-15 dollars an hour, therefore simply charging more for the bottle of wine. Is keeping a bottle of wine under ten bucks at trader joes really an acceptable reason to destroy American social services? Obviously not, those who use wine, would not stop consumption, they would pay 20-30 dollars if they had to, then there are Americans citizens working for American wages. America is negatively affected by mass immigration. This is fact. Immigrants are typically a drain on American resources, thus taking the availability of said services for the citizens who should have them available. For these reasons I understand America not willing to accept millions of refugees flooding into the country. However, I find it inexusable to inflict death on people based on these topics. I strongly believe it was America's responsibility, as a human christian nation, to stand idly by and allow the genecide and mass extermination of any group of oppressed people any where. As long as we could fight to save them, without taking our own economy and population down, it is our reponsibility to defend the meek from the tyranical and oppressive. This does not mean however, that America should be responsible to house and give residence to said oppressed people. It is our human obligation to defend the lives of others. But, not to destroy the American citizens way of life to shelter groups of millions of refugees. Crime increases, a huge drain on social services ensues. This is fact and is not arguable. The only thing in question was why were we not immobilizing to invade and protect sooner?


tylerstudent29 said...

lol Look any time a white person says anything about anti immigration etc you get alot of confrontational responses like that one. I am 29 years old have been working in many feilds since the age of fourteen. I have lived in many many many different places. I have experienced more about the way life is in this country. I could go on on on on on and on about me and me family and coworkers and neighbors have been negatively affected be it. I have ALSO BEEN WORKING IN MEXICO FOR THE LAST SIX YEARS! And many many many of my closest freinds are everything from Jordanian to Korean to Mexican. My ex fiancee' is full blooded Korean so obviously I'm not a Racist, lol. I have been living on my own and competing in the west coast work market for 16 years. First of all I will be happy to have any debates on the immigration issue with any one, but lets try to keep it calm on my blog. I have been working in Mexico for the last six years, and have worked side by side with hundreds of immigrant coworkers who were very close to me. In Mexico, an American can't even own property, the best you can do is life long leasingf of Mexican property. My old boss has a 1500 acre ranch on the gulf of Mexico on a 100 year lease. You may bring a business in only if you are willing to pay up the wazoo for local government to allow it. You may only come to Mexico to spend money, are bring a business there which will employ many many locals therefore helping the local economy. Mexican purse seiners by the fleet with spotter planes are absolutely devastating and depleting the surface biomass of yellowfin and bluefin; these boats make hundreds of millions of dollars with a large crooked percentage going to crooked Mexican government to keep allowing the absolute depletion of all tuna species inevitable. The mexican government does not allow ANY American commercial fishing boats to fish mexican waters. Only charter sport fishing and each individual boat owner pays up the wazoo for said permits. If you are an American you are not welcome in Mexico unless you are there to spend money or contribute to Mexico. I can go on on and on abnout these facts. So Mexico does not even allow an American to purchase property or get a job! So why is unnacceptable for an American to say immigration by any mass influx of any group negatively affects our way of life in many many many ways. Blah is upset and adiment but there is nothing to what you're angry about. You are the one who is biased, because I have been reading the non biased factual reports for almost thirty years and I have been affected in more ways than I could ever explain. As I said those facts are not arguable. And honestly most people live at home with mommy and daddy till they are in their twenty's. I have been renting and working since the age of 14. I will not argue the facts of life with people with virtualy no experience. Also you can't really have an opinion on immigrations affects on Americans until you live in many many many differant places and work many many many jobs and careers. This is one of those heated topics where people need to know when to agree to disagree. As I said, I have the life experience of a 40 yr old. When you have had to live and rent and work and get along in the real world for that long buddy, then I'll respect your opinion, but you are wrong. I have stuck to fact you're just upset. The subject of immigration always is a very heated one from all sides. And opinions are like sphincters everyone has one. I have mine from a long hard life of experince. When everyone has gotten out of mommy and daddys for a couple of decades and been living in the real word, then their opinion is far more valid. Also if you've lived in the same area most of your life, your not really in the position to have an opinion on how immigration affects America. If you have immigrated here you also would not be aware how the ones who were here first lives or quality of life is affected. I HAVE BEEN RESEARCHING THIS SUBJECT FOR TWENTY YEARS!yOU SAID, "ASK A TEACHER", LOL, Sorry but that was the dumbest thing in your post.the only teachers who would say Americas education system is not horribly affected by mass immigration is either lying, an immigrant themselves, in fear of being fired for saying it, or they a teacher in one of the few areas where there are not a large population of immigrants. I have many teachers in my own family who have been in education in California for over thirty years! This is exactly the same for corrections enforcement and especially health care. And you're wise ass comment about get blue sheild,,,, I broke my back my neck almost every rib on my right side more injury's than Ill list here. I have been battling for nearly two years to obtain services which should be available to me. I have paid into these systems for 16 years. My parents have every week for fourty years, my grandfather had his own factory, employed hundreds of families contributed immensely millions upon millions of dollars. I am the first one in the history of my family who has needed these services and I absolutely get shafted by every one of them while I watch illegal immigrants with six children walk out in front of me with their cards approved. You want to know what racist is? try being a white american applying for socail services. That is racism at its finest. I am scottish on both sides of my family. My pre aaaaamerican ancestors were also tKEN OVER OPPRESSED ENSLAVED HAD THEIR LANDS STOLEN FOR EONS LOL THIS IS PART OF LIFE. yES THE aMERICAN INDIAN WAS HERE FIRST, YES THEY GOT SCREWED. bUT THE FACT STILL REMAINS, MY FAMILY BUILT THIS COUNTRY FROM NOTHING AND MADE all of this from nothing, has contributed advanced and built this country and society. Should I as the descendant of this family, have first dibs on jobs, residences, and social services over a foreign born person? ABSOLUTELY. When someone works their whole lives and pays taxes and they die, they laeve their posessions money homes to there descendants. So according to your logic, When your mother and father pass away you do not have the right to their stuff over a stranger not born into your family? You have no argument buddy you are wrong! I've wasted enough time debating with someone who has no idea what they are talking about. A bleeding heart, or being foreign born, you will be inflamed by what I said, but they are the facts. The people who's families have been contributing to this economy or services etc absolutely should have the right to jobs, housing, health care and education over any one who just got here, period, to argue with that is just retarded dude save your breathe.

tylerstudent29 said...

I had a remodeling company in the wine country for several years. Not only could I write a bookon how small businesses are negatively impacted, but before I stepped out on my own I did an apprenticeship and worked the trades. In northern California a journeyman finish carpenter averages 35- 55 an hour working for a decent outfit. When I quit working for others I ws making 33 an hour.Here the same experience truck and tools will get you half that because of the overwhelming mass of illegal immigrants here in so cal doing these jobs for a fraction of what they should pay. This adversely affects the entire construction and real estate industry's two of the largest we have by way. If cheap illegal labor was not flooded out the construction market in Ca it would pay far far far better, therefore stimulating the economy and concurrently real estate value.
My grandma Shirley worked her entire career for the Social Security dept; she was a social worker in santa ana and orange for fourty years before retiring. Through her and a 30 yr life of looking into these things and paying attention, the social services in ca and us are maxed out by the overwhelming majority of mexican nationals residing here. My uncle Frank was a correctional officer until neck was fractured in a riot, also I have a fishing partner in nor cal who is correctional officer in santa Clara County, san jose area. My best freinds parents were firefighters in nor cal and or. He had to volunteer and work for free for years because in his area there were no resident hispanics or african americans nor asians so the fire depts in these small rural areas could not fill their quotas. Couldn't get a job because white. My grandfathers factory in Pomona existed and employed hundreds (372 employees not including shipping, distribution, nor international salesman January 2002).due to competitors using illegal immigrant labor here in the us, which my grandfathers company did not do, the company that resided in so ca since its founding by my grandfather in 1952, is no longer there, and everything is manufactured in south africa now,to be competititively priced in evry home depot and major home improvement chain in americ. Over 400 American families, most of which had worked their for decades, many had the 2-3 generations of family members working there with them. I as well as any american with ant experience could, could write book the size of the bible on how Americans whose families have been here for generations are negatively affected by immigration of millions of illegal aliens. What about all the housing, that because they are here illegaly and willing to undercut native labor costs, they cannot afford the living expenses to reside in Ca. so they pack 6-18 immigrants all chipping in a small amount for rent in a dwelling that is not even suitable for a single family residence. So all of their neighborhood is effected negatively by the crime noise, traffic parking etc of having this living situation next to their families and homes. the health care and education and social services systems are all but depleted by immigration from south of the border. And as far as we can't imprison them if they commit crimes while here? wwwwwwwwhat the ??? thats the dumbest thing I've ever heard. so the thousands of immigrant sex offenders on meagans law website right now, should not have to do time? If I go to thailand and kill or rape someone, because AIa m not a citizen I get to go home? Oh my god. Again, if anyone here has any clye what they arte talking about or makes any true statements feel free, but honestly, that was the dumbest thing I've heard in along time. America is negatively affected by mass immigration. period. Fact. Just because you don't like the way something sounds,, don't pipe up and make yourself look like a fool. Census . gov would be a great place for you to dig around for a decade so you can make a point of fact ibstread of belief

tylerstudent29 said...

By the way the deportation process is extremely expensive AND THEY ARE USUALLY BACK WITHIN LESS THEN A YEAR AFTER BEING DEPORTED. they just reran a documentary about the massive expense of the revolving door deportation of mexican prisoners. it is mind blowiong how much money is spent on that. also in canada an american cannot get citizenship in canada if you are a convicted felon

tylerstudent29 said...

This is carried over on Rita's blog even more actual facts and much better explanations on my comments on Ritas blog."Ritasthoughts" comments on holocaust post she made. Far better explanation and facts on that post

tylerstudent29 said...

lol, thats what you come back with? theres a 3 letter word for donkey, that should really be your screen name. That was a pretty pathetic attempt to defend your honor after you got reamed. Age and wisdom would've been to just take it and let it go. You just look even sadder and weaker coming back that lame. Mine as well of said "yeah, well I'm rubber and your glue",,, grow up broseph. You shot your mouth off cause you didn't like the way what I said sounded, but it was all true, and isn't even arguable. Just because you don't like the way something sounds, you can't go around shootin your mouth off. Grow up.Say something intelligent or true or just pipe down. and after you lose, be grown up enoughto accept it gracefully, stead of further making yourself appear as an ignorant brat. Like I said a thousand words ago, grow up, get out of mommy and daddys for a decade and a half, start a few business travel, get some experience, then come back and run yo mouth. night night son. Try not to make another flailing attempt defending your honor. You were wrong I was right, kick rocks due south.