Monday, September 8, 2008

research topics

My writing professor,Mrs Tortoro,wanted us to post a few topics we would be interested in researching for our class.The only real guideline for choosing these topics,is that they should be of interest to the student.

1; Is Campus police really keeping students safe?Or is this just a p.r. scam,for a few to benefit financially,as is typical of most law enforcement agencies?
a:how many sexual or violent assaults a year on campus to warrant such extensive [expensive] police force?
b:are students being protected or harassed by having so many police on campus?
c:is the underlying directive of campus police to keep students safe,or to harass and write as many tickets etc as possible to keep revenue coming into police department?
d:why when polled,most students have never needed nor wanted the assistance of campus the contrary most students feel they are being harassed,and targeted,by campus police.So why are they here?students pay for the school,so why are they financially being plundered by campus police?
e:when and why did campus police seem to stop being about protecting safety and physical well being of its students,and switch focus to shearing as much money as possible from the collective student body?
f:are pricey tickets for smoking and parking really worth the financial expense of such an overwhelming police force?or does the harassment of students and nickel and dimming them for victimless offenses like smoking,not only pay for the existing police force but help justify their never ending expansion.
g:instead of a dozen police harassing students,and all of their [police] cars trucks expensive equipment,and salary's,would the student body be better off with teachers salary's in place of police?trade cops and equipment,for teachers and computers,and classrooms?how many computers could our class get a deal on for the expense of one 35,000 cop car?or one 50,000 a year salary for a policeman?


Stephanie Stasa said...

This is a very good topic to do research on and I wish I would of thought of it. It think your research paper will come out very well and you'll have a lot to write on.

Jennifer said...

I too agree with the last comment left, this is a awesome topic. People ask these questions all the time but never really look into it. If you choose this topic to research I would be very interested to hear you findings on the topic.

stevenR. said...

i gotta agree with both of those comments. you have great idea topics. that paper should come out great, you should give me some ideas hahah

stevenR. said...
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